In case you haven't been following on Twitter and/or on Facebook - which you probably haven't because I've never mentioned where/how to follow - here are a few pictures of our newest creations from Work Pony! The images shown here are of yours truly :) in what we call a Worker. Workers function as a hood, shawl, or simply an added accessory to any outfit. These are great to protect you or your locks from pesty elements such as wind, cold, drizzle, etc. We've also created Workers in a pull-over form which you can take a look at on Facebook in our albums. The third style that we've created are called Ponies which are a great way to add a fun accessory and a little warmth to any outfit - these do not have hoods/shawls, but look amazing over jackets, bathing suits, or just a plain tank top or shirt. You can even CUSTOMIZE your own Worker or Pony!!! People are already eating these puppies...whoops, I mean Ponies, up!
The name Work Pony originated from a time when I was watching "The City" on MTV and PR extraordinaire Kelly Cutrone said "In the fashion industry there are two types of people - work horses and show ponies." It sparked something and I thought about how my business partner and I are somewhat of both...we get down to business and get stuff done, however we are not afraid to have fun and show off our accomplishments with pride -so the name resulted from a combination of both. Hence where the names Worker and Pony came from as well - Workers do all the work and Ponies are basically just for show. Makes sense, right?! Right?! Ha.
Please take a look at our albums on Facebook, "like" us, suggest us to your friends and family, follow us on Twitter, whatever you want to do to show your support and know in advance that all is greatly appreciated. We strive to make great products for you, so feedback is welcome, too!
Your patience in waiting for me to post my next new blog has been ah-mazing while we've been working hard in our sweatshop to have something to introduce to you. Love you! xoxo